November 21, 2024
When to inspect the kiln sitter
There are three different ways to control the cooling rate on the DynaTrol. Method A
On the DynaTrol you will need to use the Vary-Fire programming. On a Genesis use the Custom On the DynaTrol you will need to use the Vary-Fire programming. On a Genesis use the Custom The outlets are numbered on the side of the control box. In this example below all the outlets L&L's official recommendation is for an electrician to connect the kiln to power. You should L&L has used a lot of different style thermocouples over the years. With
Shelf Heights
This program is fine for slumping, tack fusing, or full fusing, just substitute different top On most L&L Kilns this is very easy to do. It is a matter of re-distributing the wires A customer asks: I would like to program my kiln to heat to Cone 6 then cool normally to 950°F The DynaTrol or Genesis control can be programmed to fire to up to 2400° F or 1315° C. No special The DynaTrol or Genesis control can be programmed to fire to up to 2400° F or 1315° C. No special Relays generally last around 200,000 cycles on average (roughly 18+ months depending on That is a difficult question to answer, as the longevity of a kiln is based much more on how it That is a difficult question to answer, as the longevity of a kiln is based much more on how it Question: I am about to run my first bisque firing in my new L&L kiln. I have coated the Question: I am about to run my first bisque firing in my new L&L kiln. I have coated the
To check the number of firings on a DynaTrol control:
Press REVIEW PROG. The last items that
To Calculate Maximum Load Weight
To keep your kiln in top operating condition, we recommend the Immediately.
Add Time to Hold Period
Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press The type of thermocouple on a DynaTrol (with the Blue face) can be either Type K The type of thermocouple on a Genesis can be either Type K or Type S. Problem: You have a room ventilation system that is external to your kiln, and you want to turn A customer asks if he can interlock his automatic kiln so that it will not fire unless his
Step-by-step instructions on how to create a custom program with an added delay on the Genesis
Step-by-step instructions on how to create a custom program with an added delay on the Genesis
In the Dynatrol reference manual under SOAK, it states “The control will soak at Final Set Point There are some differences between the 600 series DynaTrol board and the 700 series DynaTrol |