How do I adjust my kiln-sitter?

When to inspect the kiln sitter

  1. Kiln-sitters need to be adjusted and inspected before the first firing and then again every 10 firings or so.
  2. Many people do not realize this inspection is necessary.

How to Inspect the Kiln Sitter

  1. Insert the firing gauge onto the end of the tube assembly inside the kiln when the kiln is cold. This is the little coin-shaped piece of metal that holds the sensing rod in perfect relationship with the cone supports. It comes on the kiln-sitter tube assembly inside the kiln on every new kiln and on every replacement tube assembly. This piece is mandatory. Get a new one from any pottery equipment supplier if you do not have one. (L&L no longer carries replacement parts or sitters).
  2. Check the position of the release claw/ sensing rod in relation to the guide plate. Look on the outside, in the front of the kiln-sitter, where the other end of the sensing rod is attached to the release claw and sticks out of the slot in the silver metal plate. Because of the size of the slot, there should be some play in the claw from side to side. If the claw is shoved up against one side of the slot in the silver plate, the screws that hold the silver plate must be loosened and the plate slid left or right until the claw has side-to-side play.
  3. Check the position of the release claw in relation to the weighted trigger. On the outside, at the front plate of the kiln-sitter swing the weighted trigger to its upright position. If it cannot fit underneath the claw, lower the trigger a bit with the appropriate Allen wrench. When the weighted trigger is upright and held against the front plate of the kiln-sitter there should be exactly 1/16" between the front of the trigger and the back of the hang-down tip of the claw. Loosen the Allen set screw on the claw to slide it in or out on the sensing rod.
  4. Check the height of the weighted trigger in relation to the hang-down tip of the claw. On the outside, at the front plate of the kiln-sitter swing the weighted trigger to its upright position. Adjust the height of the trigger in the weight so that it passes under the hang-down tip of the claw as close as it can without touching it.
  5. Remove the firing gauge and keep it somewhere it will not get lost.