• Mostly you just have to remember how each kiln is wired or look at the wiring diagram.
  • We have never subscribed to the idea that holes in the lid are a good idea for venting. Other
  • We double-twist element ends that are 14 gauge and thinner. We do not twist element ends on 13

  • There is a glitch in User 2 program in the 3-button Bartlett.
  • Normally, there is
  • If a DaVinci is installed on a smooth floor and the lid is opened a lot, or left open for
  • We use stainless steel element terminal bolts. Stainless steel bolts have weaker threads than
  • We use stainless steel element terminal bolts. Stainless steel bolts have weaker threads than
  • When this happens, it almost always means the hinge is out of adjustment or set too low on the

    When this happens, it almost always means the hinge is out of adjustment or set too low at the

    Corrosion on a kiln is perfectly normal... mostly because it is a kiln! Hot-to-cold-to-hot

    Corrosion on a kiln is perfectly normal... mostly because it is a kiln! Hot-to-cold-to-hot

    Corrosion on a kiln is perfectly normal... mostly because it is a kiln! Hot-to-cold-to-hot

  • It is possible to confuse the Hold Time in the original program with the Hold Time for the
  • It is possible to confuse the Hold Time in the original program with the Hold Time for the
  • The work is overfired but there is no error code. Here are some things to look for:

    The work is overfired but there is no error code. Here are some things to look for:

    If your kiln underfires with no error code:

  • Cones placed wrongly in cone pack-
  • If your kiln underfires with no error code:

  • Cones placed wrongly in cone pack-
  • Breakers can trip on the kiln for a couple of different reasons. What is important to know is
  • Breakers can trip on the kiln for a couple of different reasons. What is important to know is
  • In order for temperature readouts to be close to each other, the two devices need to use the
    • On 3-section kilns with wires running to N, L1, L2, and L3 all 3 amp readings (L1,
  • Elements in most L&L kilns are the same (exceptions are front-loaders with door elements,
  • When you first turn on a kiln and the elements are cold the amperage is higher. Once the
  • Slow bisque is the safest to use and ensures a better firing to get out fumes and water