How many times do I coat my shelves with kiln wash?

Question: I am about to run my first bisque firing in my new L&L kiln. I have coated the floor of the kiln for the test first fire along with the shelves that I put in for the firing. I coated them again for the bisque firing I will start today. I intend to do one more coat when I attempt my first glaze firing. My question is this. How many times do I coat the shelves? Is this something that is done whenever you do a glaze firing now that the original coats will be baked on? Or, is it sufficient to work with the 3 coats and just repair a spot if needed?

Answer: The principle is really just making sure that the dripping/ running glaze doesn't stick to the shelf. Three coatings are a rule of thumb but can certainly vary from person to person with the types of firings they do and how heavy the work is, etc. Just visually inspect the coating from time to time and make sure there is something to intersect any dripping glaze.