Running a paper test can be a great way to troubleshoot your kiln if you do not have access to a multimeter. With just some scraps of paper and 5 minutes you can determine if you have any elements or relays that need replacing.

Despite it's usefulness, the paper test cannot compare to the information that you can get from a multimeter. It will only point you in the direction of a problem, not pinpoint it.

You can follow along with our instructional video as well:

First let's go through the test itself:

  • Start by folding up small strips of paper. You will need one paper per element in the kiln that you want to test.
  • Turn off the kiln and unplug it (or at least shut it off at the circuit breaker/fused disconnect).
  • Insert the paper scraps in between the coils of each element. It does not matter where along the element.
  • Plug-in and turn on the kiln.
  • Program for Fast Glaze to any cone (or turn manual
  • How To Change A Relay In An Easy-Fire Kilns
  • Be sure to keep the wires on in the right sequence when changing a power or control relay in an Easy-Fire, Easy-Fire XT, School-Master or eQuad-Pro Kiln.
  • The configuration is similar in a Jupiter panel or as control relay in a DaVinci, Hercules, or Easy-Load panel.
  • Make sure kiln is unplugged or locked out and tagged out at the circuit breaker or fused disconnect switch when doing this maintenance.
  • Parts

    See this page for the 12 Volt 30 Amp relay we use for most kilns.

    See this page for the 240 Volt 30 Amp relay we use as a control relay for 480 volt kilns.

    This video is useful for changing a thermocouple on any L&L kiln - in particular an eQuad-Pro or a School-Master Kiln.

    Be sure to maintain proper polarity.

    In the USA: Yellow Wire = PLUS (+) Red Wire = MINUS (-) The thermocouples are marked with a (+) and (-). Also the negative (-) is marked with a red marker. The negative wire is MORE magnetic than the positive wire.

    For more information about thermocouple polarity, color coding, and markings see this page.


    See this page for the standard type K thermocouple.

    See this page for the mounting hardware.

    See this for all thermocouple parts and

    This is an overview of L&L's brick patch and how it can be used to repair a variety of holes, chips, and gouges in firebrick.

    This is an overview of how you can use L&L's brick cement to repair damaged kiln brick.

    In this video, we will demonstrate how you can use L&L's brick cement to repair hairline cracks in your kiln brick.

    In this video, we will demonstrate how to fix a broken kiln lid or bottom using L&L's high-temperature brick cement.


    Note: This is re-used footage using our old cement formula, hence the lighter color. However, the process is precisely the same!

    This video shows how to change an element holder in an L&L kiln. There are two methods shown.

    Question: If the element holder is replaced by chipping off the lower "lip" will the holder remain in place? It seems that unless some type of cement is used it will just work its way out and fall into the kiln. Would you please elaborate?

    Answer: What is left after you follow this procedure is a serrated edge. That actually does an excellent job of holding in the groove. This works in almost all cases - you can always cement it if it doesn't work. One of the great things about these holders is that, when you are done, you have a functional groove - stronger than the underlying brick itself.

    This video shows you how to test element resistance of the circuits on an Easy-Fire kiln. Most Easy-fire kilns are wired in parallel and the resistance you will get in this test gets multiplied by two to get the element resistance. You can find your proper element resistance by looking at your wiring diagram and looking for the ohms rating of the elements (which changes with voltage and phase). Make sure you know the voltage and phase of your kiln when you are checking this. 

    This basic method will serve for many of L&L kilns like the eQuad-Pro and School-Master series. See this video for how to check elements on a Jupiter or DaVinci kiln. Instead of opening up the control box as shown on those kilns you just unplug the section cords and measure from the plug ends. Be sure to follow the specific instructions in this page: Also see

    This video shows you how to test element resistance of the circuits on a Jupiter or DaVinci kiln.  

    Also see this page about testing for element resistance. 

    See this video for checking elements on Easy-Fire, eQuad-Pro, School-Master and many other kilns.

    FOR SAFETY'S SAKE: Be sure to unplug the kiln before performing this test. If you do that there is no chance of any shock even if you are not experienced.

    This shows some interesting techniques for repairing firebrick in front-loading kilns where it is difficult to replace an entire firebrick section.

    How to repair cracked brick in a front-loading kiln. First remove the damaged brick using a drill and chisel to route out and remove brick. Then shape a cut firebrick piece to fit in the space and cement in place. Then sand. Let the cement dry overnight and then do a slow bisque firing to cone 5. This same technique can be used on kiln bottoms and in other situations like on the side or back. Hi-Temp kiln cement can be used instead of phosphate bonded cement (which is no longer available).

    This video shows how to repair minor cracks in the bricks on a front-loading Easy-Load kiln. Can also be used in other situations where you do not want to remove firebrick. Hi-Temp kiln cement can be used instead of phosphate bonded cement (which is no longer available).



  • In some places, the electrical power is very inconsistent with power outages, interruptions,
  • In some places, the electrical power is very inconsistent with power outages, interruptions,
  • Sometimes the heat around a kiln can become too much for the standard DaVinci cord connections.<

    Safety Warnings

    NOTE: If you are unsure about some part or procedure in creating or testing a

  • Dig it out of the wall carefully.
  • Use safety glasses and a Dremel to carefully
  • Dig it out of the wall carefully.
  • Use safety glasses and a Dremel to carefully
  • We don't offer any coatings for elements. There is an ITC coating that some people claim to
  • This is fine to do if you are careful.
  • The only concern would be if you put the
  • Error codes for the DynaTrol

    Note: Many of these error codes have an ‘Err’ prefix rather

  • Start by pressing 1,2,3 (or 1,2 on a two-ring kiln). Look for which thermocouple is lagging
  • Question: On the thermocouple terminal block of our Type S thermocouple, one screw is clearly

    Firebrick cracks as it is heated and cooled- it is to be expected. When the kiln is hot, all the

  • With air moving through the garage, you will minimize the corrosive effects of clay/ glaze
  • Normally it is best to have elements that are all the same age. That way it is easier for the
  • The power supply cord originally supplied with K18 kilns is only a three-wire cord. The third
  • Change Elements
  • All the elements will need to be replaced.
  • For example, the
  • All the elements will need to be replaced. For example, the ohms on the J230 208-volt element

    For DynaTrols, Set PID at 65 (normally)

    Assuming that the loading is even and the TC offsets

  • The first and easiest thing to do is to change the cycle time of the contactors.
  • L&L element holders require no pins so the elements can expand over time on their own without

  • The hinge piece that attaches to the lid has two "ears".
  • These must go on the
  • The hinge piece that attaches to the lid has two "ears".
  • These must go on the
  • Electrical Noise External
  • Sometimes there is electrical "noise" in your incoming line.
  • Electrical Noise External
  • Sometimes there is electrical "noise" in your incoming line.
  • The discs are placed in the element holders to keep the elements from coming out during
  • The discs are placed in the element holders to keep the elements from coming out during
  • All weights are shown in pounds and are estimates.

    General Information on Thermocouples
  • The pyrometers and all of the electronic kiln
  • Control
  • Our DynaTrol or Genesis control with Dynamic Zone Control is the state-of-the-art
  • Control
  • Our DynaTrol or Genesis control with Dynamic Zone Control is the state-of-the-art
  • First, all the peepholes must be plugged, the lid adjusted properly, and any other holes into
  • On/Off Switch
  • Make sure the On/Off Switch is turned on. Turn it on and off.
  • Programming
  • Make sure you have programmed the kiln properly and it is supposed to be
  • Programming
  • Make sure you have programmed the kiln properly and it is supposed to be
  • Check many of the same things in the above section on Automatic kilns - power supply, branch
  • Voltage
  • Check your voltage. Some people may have high voltage like 245 volts where you
  • If for some reason the thermocouple wires touch the hot kiln case, they may melt and fail.
  • The only way to figure this out accurately is to have a kilowatt meter installed in the power

  • A thermocouple (TC) is a temperature sensor. It reads the temperature in the kiln and gives
  • Similarity of Automatic Control Box with Manual Control Box
  • The similarities between the
  • Facing is meant to penetrate into the brick 1/2" or so. When it is fired, it makes that part of

    380 volts, 3 phase wye (220 volts line to neutral)
  • If you have 380/220 volts and 3-phase
  • Getting glaze on the element can cause that to happen.
  • It can also happen
  • Getting glaze on the element can cause that to happen.
  • It can also happen
  • We have had several improvements in our element holder designs over the years and have been
  • The pliers to get for grabbing the wire and bending it around the bolt are called Linesman Pliers

    Incorrect loading
  • If your kiln is loaded unevenly it can cause the 3-zone control to slow
  • How the DynaTrol is Supposed to Work

    All of the DynaTrol or Genesis controlled L&L Kilns

  • FAIL usually just means a thermocouple is broken. It will read FAIL,&nbsp