Is three phase cheaper & better to run than single phase?

  1. It is not normally cheaper to run kilns on three-phase power vs. single-phase power. You still use the same KW hours regardless of the power phase.
  2. There may be cheaper rates for three-phase power in some areas, so you might check with your electric company. Also, there may be "demand" charges in industrial or commercial spaces, so be sure to ask about that.
  3. The main reason that three-phase is used is that the size of the wires and circuit breaker or fused disconnect is dramatically smaller than with a single phase for the same amount of KW. This is particularly important for larger kilns because it leads to more stable power
  4. On our Easy-Fire kilns, we take advantage of the fact that we can get more power from 3 phase and keep the power cord under the 48 amp limit. For instance, the 3-phase e28T-3 has more power than the Single Phase e28T-3 and is rated for Cone 10.
  5. Let your electrician know kilns are a purely "resistive" load (no motors), which might figure into their calculations.
  6. 3 Phase power is less subject to voltage fluctuations, eliminating one potential problem with slower firing.
  7. Not all kilns can have a balanced three-phase circuit. For instance, an eQ2836-3 has four sections. Two sections are on one of the phases and the other two sections are on each of the other phases. Again, discuss this with your electrician so he knows what to expect.
  8. On L&L kilns, it is easy to switch from single phase to three phase or vise versa.
  9. 3-phase does not draw less voltage. The voltage is still either 208 or 240 volts. A house in a suburban or urban location is almost always going to be single-phase/240V. Rural areas might allow 3-Phase. Check with your electrical company. If you are a school or in a commercial building have your electrician test the circuit directly.
  10. If practical, remove the cord and wire the kiln directly bypassing the power cord, receptacle, and outlet which are always the weak links in the system. Check your local electrical code for your requirements. All L&L kilns may be direct wired with no changes to the warranty or performance.
  11. For a great discussion of three-phase vs. single-phase see this link: Is Three Phase Electricity More Expensive?